
Emily KayHi again, here’s a little more about my background and just about me in general. I have been researching, designing, and developing for the Web since the early 1990s. I specialize in web and mobile web site and application development focusing on responsive user interface design, user experience, and usable presentation. I have also worked as a traditional graphic designer, a multimedia specialist and a 3D animator, but my true passion lies with the web.

My skill set includes various technologies and tools including HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3/SASS/LESS, JavaScript, jQuery/jQuery UI/jQuery Mobile, Ajax, PHP, MySQL, the Adobe Suite of applications and more. I have worked with graphics and design throughout my career and firmly believe that good visuals help deliver your message in a more powerful way and retain engagement and interest.

I have been teaching at the community college level for over 19 years at several community colleges in San Diego. Aside from my teaching duties I am also a web designer/developer and have worked at several design firms in San Diego. I have recently developed several courses for Lynda.com and LinkedIn Learning and produced 100’s of videos on youtube.

When I’m not coding and teaching you can find me in the sea. I also love the ocean – swimming, sw+amping (swim-camping) and photographing what I see, so that will explain all of the ocean references. I have 3 amazing kids and love spending time with them.